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Tai Chi in Motion

The Corporate Hippie Guide to Tai Chi

Practices you have always wanted to learn more about but never had the time? Our Corporate Hippie Guides will take you step by step through some of the top ancient practices, how they work and what you can implement. Pick up new tools to add to your practice within the corporate world today!

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Introduction to Tai Chi

Tai Chi, also known as Tai Chi Chuan, is an ancient Chinese martial art that has evolved into a graceful and meditative form of exercise and moving meditation. The origins of Tai Chi can be traced back to the 12th century, and it was developed by combining elements of martial arts, Taoist philosophy, and traditional Chinese medicine. Tai Chi is characterized by slow, flowing movements, deep breathing, and a focus on cultivating internal energy, known as "qi" or "chi."



Tai Chi: What is it?

Key things to know about Tai Chi

Application: How to use Tai Chi



Tai Chi: What is it?

The practice of Tai Chi aims to balance the body, mind, and spirit, promoting overall health and well-being. It is often described as "meditation in motion" due to its gentle and continuous movements, which encourage a state of relaxation, mental clarity, and mindfulness. While Tai Chi is a martial art, its modern practice is primarily focused on the health benefits and is accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels.


Tai Chi is characterized by slow, flowing movements, deep breathing, and a focus on cultivating internal energy, known as "qi" or "chi." It is typically practiced in a series of forms or sequences, with each form consisting of a set of movements and transitions. These forms can be performed individually or as part of a larger routine, depending on the style and tradition.


Key Things to Know about Tai Chi

Principles of Tai Chi: Tai Chi is guided by several fundamental principles, including relaxation, alignment, balance, coordination, and breath control. These principles ensure that movements are performed with ease, smoothness, and efficiency, reducing strain on the body and promoting the flow of vital energy.


Styles of Tai Chi: There are several traditional styles of Tai Chi, each with its unique characteristics and forms. Some of the most well-known styles include Yang, Chen, Wu, and Sun. Each style emphasizes different aspects of Tai Chi practice, but they all share the common goal of cultivating internal energy and promoting health.


Health Benefits: Regular practice of Tai Chi offers a wide range of health benefits. It improves flexibility, strength, and balance, which can reduce the risk of falls, especially in older adults. Tai Chi also promotes cardiovascular health, lowers stress levels, improves sleep quality, and enhances mental focus and clarity.


Mind-Body Connection: Central to Tai Chi is the cultivation of the mind-body connection. Practitioners learn to be present in the moment, coordinating movements with breath and intention. This heightened awareness fosters a sense of inner peace and well-being.


Harmony of Yin and Yang: Tai Chi embodies the Daoist philosophy of balancing Yin and Yang energies. The slow, gentle movements represent Yin, while the dynamic, martial aspects represent Yang. This harmonization of opposing forces reflects the principle of balance and flow in nature.


Qi (Chi) Cultivation: Tai Chi practice is said to enhance the flow of qi, the vital life force, through the body's energy meridians. By maintaining a relaxed and focused state, practitioners encourage the smooth circulation of qi, which is believed to support health and vitality.


Accessible to All Ages: Tai Chi is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. It can be adapted to individual needs and conditions, making it an excellent form of exercise for those seeking a gentle and low-impact activity.

Practicing Tai Chi regularly and incorporating its principles into daily life can provide wide range of health benefits.

How to use Tai Chi


  • Morning Practice: Consider starting your day with a short Tai Chi practice to awaken the body and mind. A few minutes of gentle movements and deep breathing can set a positive tone for the day ahead.


  • Breaks at Work: Take short breaks throughout the day to practice Tai Chi. Even a few minutes of stretching and mindful movements can relieve tension, reduce stress, and improve focus.


  • Nature Connection: Practice Tai Chi outdoors, if possible, to connect with nature and enhance the sense of harmony and flow. Performing Tai Chi amidst natural surroundings adds an extra dimension of tranquility.


  • Evening Relaxation: Wind down in the evening with a Tai Chi practice focused on relaxation and gentle movements. This can help release tension from the day and promote better sleep quality.


  • Mindful Movement: Use Tai Chi principles of relaxation and alignment in everyday activities. Whether walking, sitting, or lifting objects, move with mindfulness and grace, paying attention to your body's alignment and breath.


  • Group Practice: Consider joining a Tai Chi class or forming a practice group with friends or family. Practicing in a group setting can be motivating, and the sense of community adds to the overall experience.


  • Breathing Techniques: Incorporate Tai Chi breathing techniques in stressful situations to calm the mind and promote a sense of inner calm. Deep, slow breathing can be done discreetly and has immediate relaxation effects.


  • Emotional Regulation: Use Tai Chi's focus on breath and relaxation to regulate emotions. When feeling overwhelmed or anxious, take a few moments to breathe deeply and practice Tai Chi movements to center yourself.


  • Self-Care: Incorporate Tai Chi into your self-care routine. Treat your practice as a form of self-nurturing and invest time in cultivating your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


​Tai Chi offers a harmonious blend of physical exercise, meditation, and mind-body connection. Its gentle movements and emphasis on relaxation make it accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. By practicing Tai Chi regularly and incorporating its principles into daily life, individuals can experience a wide range of health benefits, improved mental focus, and a deeper connection with their inner self. The art of Tai Chi invites individuals to slow down, find balance, and cultivate a sense of flow and harmony in the fast-paced modern world.


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